Sunday, March 17, 2019

Ayurvedic Treatment for Itching

खुजली को कहे बाई-बाई 
Ayurvedic Treatment for Itching

गर्मी में त्वचा की खुजली पसीने के कारण ज्यादा होती है। आईये जाने खुजली क्या है? जब त्वचा की सतह पर जलन का एहसास होता है और त्वचा को खरोंचने का मन करता है तो उस बोध को खुजली कहते हैं। खुजली के कई कारण होते हैं जैसे कि तनाव और चिंता, शुष्क त्वचा, अधिक समय तक धूप में रहना, औषधि की विपरीत प्रतिक्रिया, मच्छर या किसी और जंतु का दंश, फंफुदीय संक्रमण, अवैध यौन संबंध के कारण, संक्रमित रोग की वजह से, या त्वचा पर फुंसियाँ, सिर या शरीर के अन्य हिस्सों में जुओं की मौजूदगी इत्यादि से।

खुजली होने पर सावधानीयाँ

खुजली होने पर प्राथमिक सावधानी के तौर पर सफ़ाई का पूरा ध्यान रखना चाहिये।खुजली का जब भी दौरा पडे, आप साफ़ मुलायम कपडे से उस स्थान को सहला दिजिये।प्रवॄति के अनुसार ठंडे या गरम पानी से उस स्थान को धो लिजिये ( किसी को ठंडे पानी से तो किसी को गरम पानी से आराम होता है, उसके मुताबिक अपने लिये पानी का चयन कर लें)।साबुन जितना कम कर सकते हैं कम कर लेना चाहिये, और सिर्फ़ मॄदु साबुन का ही उपयोग करें।कब्ज हो तो उसका इलाज करें।

खुजली के लिए आयुर्वेदिक उपचार

  • खुजली वाली जगह पर चन्दन का तेल लगाने से काफी राहत मिलती है।
  • दशांग लेप, जो आयुर्वेद की 10 जड़ी बूटियों से तैयार किया गया है, खुजली से काफी हद तक आराम दिलाता है।
  • नीम का तेल, या नीम के पत्तों की लेई से भी खुजली से छुटकारा मिलता है। गंधक खुजली को ठीक करने के लिए बहुत ही बढ़िया उपचार माना जाता है। नीम के पाउडर का सेवन करने से त्वचा के संक्रमण और खुजली से आराम मिलता है।
  • सुबह खाली पेट एलोवेरा जूस का सेवन करने से भी खुजली से छुटकारा मिलता है।
  • नींबू का रस बराबर मात्रा में अलसी के तेल के साथ मिलाकर खुजली वाली जगह पर मलने से हर तरह की खुजली से छुटकारा मिलता है।
  • नारियल के ताज़े रस और टमाटर का मिश्रण खुजली वाली जगह पर लगाने से भी खुजली दूर हो जाती है।
  • शुष्क त्वचा के कारण होनेवाली खुजली को दूध की क्रीम लगाने से कम किया जा सकता है।
  • 25 ग्राम आम के पेड़ की छाल, और 25 ग्राम बबूल के पेड़ की छाल को एक लीटर पानी में उबाल लें, और इस पानी से ग्रसित जगह पर भाप लें।
  • जब यह प्रक्रिया हो जाए तो ग्रसित जगह पर घी थपथपाकर लगायें। खुजली गायब हो जाएगी।
  • खुजली के लिए सबसे कारगर उपाय है तेल की मालिश जिससे रूखी और बेजान त्वचा को नमी मिलती है।

Aayurved (आयुर्वेद) चिकित्सा प्रणालि

Aayurved (आयुर्वेद) चिकित्सा प्रणालि

आयुर्वेद (आयु + वेद = आयुर्वेद) विश्व की प्राचीनतम चिकित्सा प्रणालियों में से एक है। यह अथर्ववेद का उपवेद है। यह विज्ञान, कला और दर्शन का मिश्रण है। ‘आयुर्वेद’ नाम का अर्थ है, ‘जीवन का ज्ञान’ और यही संक्षेप में आयुर्वेद का सार है। 

हिताहितं सुखं दुःखमायुस्तस्य हिताहितम्। 
मानं च तच्च यत्रोक्तमायुर्वेदः स उच्यते॥ -(च.सू.१/४०)

आयुर्वेद और आयुर्विज्ञान दोनों ही चिकित्साशास्त्र हैं परंतु व्यवहार में चिकित्साशास्त्र के प्राचीन भारतीय ढंग को आयुर्वेद कहते हैं और ऐलोपैथिक प्रणाली (जनता की भाषा में "डाक्टरी') को आयुर्विज्ञान का नाम दिया जाता है। 

इस शास्त्र के आदि आचार्य अश्विनीकुमार माने जाते हैं जिन्होने दक्ष प्रजापति के धड़ में बकरे का सिर जोड़ा था। अश्विनी कुमारों से इंद्र ने यह विद्या प्राप्त की। इंद्र ने धन्वंतरि को सिखाया। काशी के राजा दिवोदास धन्वंतरि के अवतार कहे गए हैं। उनसे जाकर सुश्रुत ने आयुर्वेद पढ़ा। अत्रि और भारद्वाज भी इस शास्त्र के प्रवर्तक माने जाते हैं। आय़ुर्वेद के आचार्य ये हैं— अश्विनीकुमार, धन्वंतरि, दिवोदास (काशिराज), नकुल, सहदेव, अर्कि, च्यवन, जनक, बुध, जावाल, जाजलि, पैल, करथ, अगस्त, अत्रि तथा उनके छः शिष्य (अग्निवेश, भेड़, जातूकर्ण, पराशर, सीरपाणि हारीत), सुश्रुत और चरक। 

आयुर्वैदिक चिकित्सा के लाभ

  • आयुर्वेदीय चिकित्सा विधि सर्वांगीण है। आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा के उपरान्त व्यक्ति की शारीरिक तथा मानसिक दोनों में सुधार होता है।
  • आयुर्वेदिक औषधियों के अधिकांश घटक जड़ी-बुटियों, पौधों, फूलों एवं फलों आदि से प्राप्त की जातीं हैं। अतः यह चिकित्सा प्रकृति के निकट है।
  • व्यावहारिक रूप से आयुर्वेदिक औषधियों के कोई दुष्प्रभाव (साइड-इफेक्ट) देखने को नहीं मिलते।
  • अनेकों जीर्ण रोगों के लिए आयुर्वेद विशेष रूप से प्रभावी है।
  • आयुर्वेद न केवल रोगों की चिकित्सा करता है बल्कि रोगों को रोकता भी है।
  • आयुर्वेद भोजन तथा जीवनशैली में सरल परिवर्तनों के द्वारा रोगों को दूर रखने के उपाय सुझाता है।
  • आयुर्वेदिक औषधियाँ स्वस्थ लोगों के लिए भी उपयोगी हैं।
  • आयुर्वेदिक चिकित्सा अपेक्षाकृत सस्ती है क्योंकि आयुर्वेद चिकित्सा में सरलता से उपलब्ध जड़ी-बूटियाँ एवं मसाले काम में लाये जाते हैं।

Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Rig-Ved ( ऋग्वेद )

Indian mythological personalities include the Vedic deities, sages and characters from the various legends. Myths have always been integrally related with the Indian ethos. The main source of Indian myths is the Vedas, especially, the Rig Veda that comprises numerous allusions. Besides the Veda, the epics, often ranked as Classical literature, also serve as the source to the Indian myths and legends. What makes these allusions interesting is the inclusion of myriad of characters. Since the myths are encumbered with ethical overtures, there are primarily two kinds of mythological personalities: the good and the evil. 
          As the stories progress, more characters are added who either help out the hero or the villain. Some of the oft figuring personalities in Indian myths are the sages. Vedic literature often incorporates the wise Indian sages in instrumental roles in the legends. Rishis, like, Vashishta, Parashurama, Vishwamitra, Narada and others. As far as the Indian Puranas are concerned, these have been handed down to the sages by the Vedic deities. Hence most of the Puranas mention the Hindu Trinity: Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. In these ancient texts Hindu goddesses, such as, Parvati, Usha, Durga are also mentioned. Other Indian mythological personalities including Lord Surya, Lord Yama, Manu, Soma, Yayati and others mentioned in almost al the Mahapuranas. 
          Whilst discussing the Indian sages, the myths elaborate on their lineage. Thus there the wives, daughters and sons of the rishis are referred to in these ancient texts. Frequently it has been witnessed that these Indian mythological personalities play a significant role in the plot of the myths. Besides them, the Indian mythological characters also encompass several animals. It is amazing to decipher the various animals mentioned in the Puranas and myths which played instrumental roles to play. Notably, Garuda a character from Ramayana will always be remembered for his bravery.

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The Samaveda सामवेद

Like the other veds the Sam Ved too has two portions incantation and explanation. The incantation portion in the Sam Ved is about half as long as the Rig Ved. Like the Yajur Ved, the Sam Ved too borrows heavily from the Rig Ved. You may begin to feel that the Rig Ved is the mother of all Veds. It's almost true but the fact is that the other Veds capture simpler moods of existence. Sam Ved is the path to salvation through devotion, perhaps the most popular approach of Man at any given point in time. 
          The Sam Ved derives its name from the word Sam or hymn. This ved is full of hymns naturally the best tool of blind devotion. What's interesting to note is that in all religions, across the globe, devotion is best expressed through songs. There is a school of thought that suggests that a vast majority of people cannot comprehend the Supreme Being through knowledge or a fervent sense of destiny. The world is materialistic it always was Music some how unites the material world with a higher plane. That is why hymns like in Sam Ved are so significant. For the overwhelming majority who are limited by intellect, hymns bring them closer to the maker. Having learnt that, we should know that Sam Ved is not purely songs. It has its share of monotonous chants. 
          Though there is a theory that suggests that the Sam Ved, over the centuries, was divided into thousand different branches, records show only thirteen branches. Of the thirteen, the physical evidence of only three branches is now available. We should understand that while some people documented the veds, it was originally transferred from mouth to ear. 
          Therefore it should be surprising that a huge chunk of the veds are actually lost today. The three branches that have survived to grace us today are Ranayana, Kuthuma and Jaimini. Sadly only these three branches pass off as Sam Ved today. They contain between them 1875 mantras nearly by 184 seers which is set to tune of music by 285 seers. About 4000 hymns are based around these mantras. 
          These are further divided into two categories purvarchika which contains 650 mantras and uttarachika which contains 1225 mantras. In purvarchika, each mantra is divided into chapters but in uttarchika the mantras are not divided into chapters. But the entire collection of 1225 mantras are categorized as chapters. The reason of this is not known but some say there may be a hidden significance that is lost on us. 
          What's interesting to note is that while most of the verses in the Rig Ved and the Yajur Ved run deep in philosophical content, the mantras in the Sam Ved are mere prayers. They presume that God is a physical entity who has to be believed in and prayed to. 
          The veds remind one of the most unique natures of what is called Hinduism. While most religions are one-dimensional in the sense that they teach devotion, the veds addresses different kinds of people on basis of their intellectual growth.

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Friday, August 26, 2016


Yajur Ved

Yajur is derived from the word "yaj" which means worship and Yajur means the method of worship. The Yajur Ved and Sam Ved have emerged from Rig Ved. The Yajur Ved describes the procedure, rules and regulations for Yagna. 

Existance of Shukla Yajur Ved :- 

Yajnavalkya was the student Vaishampayana. Once there was a quarrel between Vaishampayana and Yajnavalkya. Out of anger Vaishampayana ordered Yajnavalkya to give him back the knowledge which was given to him. On hearing this Yajnavalkya vomited out all the knowledge in the form of food. The other disciples ate that food in the form of the Tittiri bird because of this Yajur Ved had another branch known as Taittiriya Yajur Ved. It is also known as Krishna (black) Yajur Ved as it was in the form of vomit. 
          After this Yajnavalkya was determined not to have any human master and requested Sun God to give him true knowledge of Vedas. On being pleased with Yajnavalkya the sun God gave him the knowledge of all the Vedas and the knowledge of Yajur Ved was known as Shukla (white) Yajur Ved.
          Shukla Yajur Ved is also known as Vajasaneya Yajur Ved, because it was give by Sun God. Yajnavalkya divided Vajasaneya Yajur Ved into fifteen branches; each branch contains hundreds of Yajna Mantras. Kanva, Madhyandina and others are branches of Shukla Yajur Ved. 
          Yajur Ved seeks to create a deeper level of consciousness among people. It sets forth a yogic practice that purifies not just the body, but also the mind. This helps in awakening the inner consciousness, which opens up new avenues of learning and understanding of life and existence. The Vedic scriptures are full of mantras that help in religious rituals. 
          The Yajur Veda also emphasizes on the same deities as the Rig Veda but in a different way. The main aim of reciting the sacred hymns is to awake the inner consciousness and bring together the cosmic energies within oneself. This opens up avenues for recreating a universal energy within the human psyche. This cosmic level of consciousness is very necessary in order to lead a life that is both meaningful and satisfying. Once ego and other vices are surrendered to the Divine force, a person can attain higher forms of happiness. 
          Yajur ved has 101 branches. Like the Rig Ved, the Yajur Ved too has two divisions. Samhita which is incantation and adhvaryu which is the explanation of the same. Interestingly most of the poetic component of the Yajur Ved derives a lot from the hymns of the Rig Ved. The remaining is in prose. 
          The Yajur Ved gets its name from the word yaj which means sacrifice. While we may never find out who composed the veds, it's said that sage Ved Vyas taught the four veds to four of his disciples. Paila was taught the Rig Ved. Sam Ved to Jaimini and the Atharv Ved to Sumantu. 
          The Yajur Ved was taught to Vaishampayana. He in turn taught the Yajur Ved to twenty seven pupils and over the years the ved branched off into Three schools Taittiriya, Krishna Yajur Ved, and Shukla (white) Yajur Ved. The Gods who feature in the Veds are many. The three major Gods are Agni, Indra and Surya. But there are many other gods who are manifestations of the various aspects of nature but, if you have a modern mindset, you may identify what some sages believed. They said that the supreme force was broken into various cosmic fragments for human understanding. 
          The Yajur Ved reminds you that if you are not destined to rule their own lives through knowledge, karma is another way that will lead you to the goal. The trick is to accept that there is a scheme of things at play. This scheme of things is also called life. Everything, every event has been planned before and every event has a bearing on the other.

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